Tuesday, January 29, 2013


This is the first post that I have done in a long time, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been couponing. I have just had to concentrate on other things and have not been doing any posts. I had a great trip to Publix yesterday and decided to share. This was the most that I have bought in a long time. This is what I bought.

2 Viva Big Roll Towels (2/$1)
2 Welch's Juice (2/1.69)
8 CBA Pasta (8/5.12)
4 Campbell's Spaghetti'os (4/2.40)
6 Hamburger Helper (6/4.29)
2 South Beach Cereal Bars (2/.99)
4 French's Mustard (4/1.02)
20 Rotel Cans (20/3.50)
8 Green Giant Steamers (8/2.36)
8 Buddig Sandwich Meats (8/$2)
4 McCormick Seasonings (4/.67)
2 Kraft Fresh Taste (2/.99)
2 Smithfield Ham Slices (2/ 0+.02 over)
1 Chicken Of The Sea Tuna (.07)
4 Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup (4/2.20)

I made 2 trips because they limit sale items to 10, and I wanted more Rotel. I paid $28.28 and saved $104.10, or 79%.