I have been wanting one of the Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaners, but felt that they were a little too pricey for my budget. However, with the art of couponing & Rite Aid's special I was able to get the starter kit and 2 refills super cheap. I did 2 separate transactions and this is what I got:
1 Shower Cleaner Starter Kit
2 Shower Cleaner Refills
1 Contac Cold Tablets
1 Theraflu Tablets
2 Boxes Tylenol
1 Turbo Peeler
1 4pk light bulbs
1 Fantastik Cleaner
I paid a total of $16.28, including tax, and will get $9 back in Rite Aid rebates and $5 back in an SC Johnson rebate. After rebates I will have spent just $2.28 for all of this. That's less than the tax.
Frugal Recipe: Homemade Jiffy Corn Muffins
1 hour ago