My Publix trip was shorter than most. There were only a few things that I needed, and they were not the items that offered huge savings. However, I was still able to save around 70%, which is still great in my book. This is what I bought.
6 CBA canned pasta (6/3.94)
--used two 35¢ off 3 coupons SS 1/02
4 Campbell's Spaghettio's (4/2.40)
--used two 40¢ off 2 coupons SS 12/12
1 Snackwell Cookies (60¢)
--used $1 off wyb milk HERE
1 Gallon Publix Milk (3.39)
2 Prego Pasta Sauce (2/1.83)
--used 60¢ off 2 coupon SS 01/02
2 Yakisoba Noodles (2/0+1.21 overage)
--used two 50¢ off coupons SS 01/02
2 Wonka Gummies (2/50¢)
--used two 75¢ coupons HERE
4 Al fresco Chicken Sausages (4/2.98)
--used four $2 off coupons HERE
1 Lance Crackers 8pk (1/1.45)
--used 55¢ off coupon HERE
3 Kelloggs Pop Tarts (3/2.14)
--used $1 off 3 coupon HERE
2 Hunts Ketchup (2/55¢)
--used 50¢ off 2 coupon JANUARY ALL YOU
The total before any sales or coupons was 64.82.
I paid 19.12.
I saved 45.70 or 70%.
I can not guarantee that these printable coupons are still available. Also, newspaper coupons vary by region, so all coupons may not have been in your inserts.
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Thanks to SouthernSavers for most coupon match-ups.
I am hosting a $40.00 Fix Grocery Challange every Tuesday! Come Link Up and share some tips! I also have a link up on Fridays to share any great deals found through out the week! I only have a Winn-Dixie near me and it does not double coupons =( I wish we had a Publix too!